Welcome to KAKADU and CANA’s litter page!

Puppy Growth Updates

Congratulations to our DKV families! We are excited for each and every one of you. Here is where we will post photos, videos, and updates on your new DKV Rottweiler puppies. We know how excited everyone must be and we want to take you along this beautiful journey with us. Here you will be able to watch your new baby grow from birth to eight weeks of age. We hope you enjoy all the updates and we hope you enjoy the DKV difference.


Angel recently purchased a new import named Cana (left) and hand selected Champion Kakadu (right) for her to be bred to in Europe. We are so excited to be able to welcome such a beautiful female to DKV Rottweilers. We are also very excited to see what this amazing combination produces.



Cana has been such a joy since she has arrived home and she continued to stay friendly and playful throughout her pregnancy. Cana is getting quite large, so we are expecting a large sized litter. We will find out soon enough.

Delivery Day

Hello DKV Family! The big day is here. Cana is in labor and it is 8:00 pm!

Update: Cana growls with each contraction. Obviously nobody enjoys a painful contraction, but I have to say her growls have been quite helpful in letting us know when she is pushing.

Update: We are seven hours in. It is now 3:00 am. We have 6 puppies and Cana is still pushing.

Update: It is 5:00 am and Cana is done! Time to sleep! We will do a final count and check the sex of each puppy after we sleep.

Update: Cana has 1 Male and 7 Females!!! OMG!

Week 1 Update

Hello DKV family! Week one is coming to an end and we could not be more pleased. It’s surprising how much these babies grew in only a few days! Do we agree? Cana must have some special milk because these babies are chunky. These babies will look a little different later today since tails are scheduled to be docked. So that is something to look forward to seeing in our “Week 2 Update” next weekend.

Overall, Cana is proving to be an excellent mother. She really loves her babies and does a great job keeping them close by. Cana has a great appetite and she does a great job keeping her milk supply full for eight babies. When Cana is not nursing, she is grooming her babies. She wants them clean and beautiful at all times. LOL. 

If you don’t know, the puppies eyes are sealed closed at this age. In addition to the eyes, the puppies ears are sealed as well at this age. This means, the newborns are unable to see or hear. This is why Angel checks up on the puppies every two hours making sure they find mama and are nursing. 

On top of that, puppies cannot regulate their body temperatures the first few weeks of life. Yep, that’s true. That is why a puppy can get chilled easily and pass away. They rely on mama’s body heat to keep them going. This is why it is so important to have the pups close to mama at all times.

Caring for our DKV puppies is a bigger job than some may know. Not only does Angel make sure the puppies are nursing every two hours around the clock… Yep, even throughout the night… Angel also watches the babies on camera just in case one wiggles too far away from mama. Here at DKV Rottweilers, we make sure our puppies are well cared for and monitored 24/7. We only leave our home for short periods at a time, and someone must always remain in the house with the babies, no exceptions. Have peace of mind knowing we try our very best to provide your puppies with the best care possible.

We will see you here again next week. Until then have a blessed weekend.

Week 2 Update

Hello DKV family! Week two has flew by. Your puppies are doing amazing. Cana continues to prove herself as a wonderful mother. All of the puppies have a good appetite and know how to latch onto mama with no problems. At this young age, the puppies still continue to stay near mama for the most part. Occasionally, they may wiggle away to spread out from their siblings, but Cana is sure to coral them back to her after they have a mini break. LOL.

The most exciting news that I have to report is some of the puppies have began to crack their eyes open. By this weekend, all of the puppies will have their eyes wide open! I say it over and over again with each litter, but this is truly my favorite surprise. It’s just so precious to see these sweet babies look back at you for the first time.

Other than that, not much to report. At this young age, the puppies are mostly just sleeping. Believe it or not, young puppies sleep 22+ hours sleeping each day. Yep, you read that correctly. The puppies wake up for a few minutes to nurse and then they are back to sleep minutes later. This is normal for all newborn puppies and it’s important for their growth. This is why newborns are not handled too much during the first few weeks. Once they get older, they will stay awake maybe an hour longer each day to fit in some play time with their siblings. Until then, we let mother nature take her course so they babies can grow strong for their new families.

I will get some photos for everyone over the weekend and post them below. We will have family over this weekend so if I do not get any photos done by Sunday evening, I will work on it on Monday. Have a blessed one. We pray everyone has a safe and happy Father’s Day weekend. 

Week 3 Update

Hello DKV family! I got photos! Sorry for the wait. Your babies are turning three weeks old this weekend. They are doing amazing. Their eyes are fully open, as you can clearly see below. Aren’t they so precious! Their ears have also opened so they all pop their heads up when you talk to them now. LOL.

The puppies are beginning to walk and waddle around the whelping box a little. Of course, they don’t stray too far from their food. To be honest, I think Cana is enjoying these new mini breaks as they waddle off a few feet. LOL. The days still consists of mostly sleeping with 3 minute wake up sessions to eat. They are like little robots. Their alarms all go off at the same time because they never miss a meal. I guess when you have eight puppies and eight nipples, they know not to risk a sibling dipping into their portion.

Sorry again for the wait on photos, it’s been one of those weeks. I went ahead and took my time getting some individual pictures to make up for the wait. Enjoy!

Week 4 Update

Hello, DKV family! We made it to week four. The time seems to be going so fast with this litter, or maybe they are just keeping us so busy, not sure. The babies are definitely growing and personalities are beginning to peek through ever so slightly.

First, teeth are coming in on these babies, so mama is beginning to need (and want) her breaks from the litter. Can you blame her? These eight monsters go chomping down the second they see Cana. So, after they feed, Angel allows Cana to leave the nest to get some rest of her own. She still interacts with her puppies throughout the day, she is simply taking some breaks in between feedings.

Second, now that the puppies are growing teeth, they are ready to be introduced to their puppy milkshakes. This is simply some ground up puppy good. Of course, the puppies are always unsure at first. But after everyone gets a taste, there’s usually no turning back. The mess they make is next level, but it’s quite a site to see the before and after. Usually, it ends with at leasr half of the puppies covered in food. Now, the puppies still have their regular nursing schedule with mama, but this extra feeding just keeps the puppies a little more satisfied through this stage and allows mama to recoup in-between feedings.

Let’s see, the puppies just received their second round of wormer. Angel has a very strict schedule on his puppy wormers, vaccines, medicines, etc. He watches each puppy very closely and is always there to remedy any signs of discomfort. Luckily, this litter has been easy peasy on that part, just harder on the cleaning part. Keeping up with eight puppies is a job that never takes a break. We make sure we are constantly interacting with the babies so they become confident with people and with being held. Angel continues to make sure the puppies are nursing every few hours, with their puppy shakes in-between. Last, we are always making sure these monsters are clean, dry, and have clean bedding at all times. Trust me, we do two loads of laundry per day just with dog towels. 

Last, I would say the puppies are becoming more playful. When mama leaves the whelping box, the puppies begin to play more with each other. They paw each other, try to pounce on each other, and an occasional ear nibble here and there. At this age, their rough housing is still real gentle but that will change soon enough. These babies are also quite vocal. We hear baby barks, growls, and random talking sounds when they play. They are growing up, y’all.

Everyone have a safe weekend and we will touch base again next weekend.

NOTE: The two YouTube videos posted below are different, they simply have the same thumbnail. There are also 3 YouTube Shorts posted at https://youtube.com/shorts/I1UztX_MeAs and https://youtube.com/shorts/IRZo4OJKGA4 and https://youtube.com/shorts/z0Iw9PZ5oqw . Enjoy all of the videos!

Week 5 Update

Hello, DKV family! We made it to week 5 and the puppies are now acting like puppies. These puppies are waking up energized and they are becoming very playful with each other. They like to paw at each other, pounce on each other, and there’s the occasional ear chew. LOL. It’s sweet to see their personalities begin to shine.

At this stage, we will continue to monitor them closely and try to learn any noticeable differences between the siblings. Right now, we just have constant puppy play when they are awake. They still crash after a big feeding though. LOL. I can say that they are vocal. We hear them making all kinds of sounds when they play with each other. I even hear them barking every once in a while. Unfortunately, I can never seem to catch it on camera but I will continue to try.

Angel and I will get individual photos for everyone this week. I cannot promise what day, since we have an extremely busy week, but I will get those done. I will be sure to email you all when the photos are posted. Until then, I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and we will touch base again in a few days.

Week 6 Update

Hello, DKV family! We have made it to week six; only two more weeks to go! Overall, the puppies are doing great. Appetites continue to be good at the moment. The puppies are still nursing on mama in addition to their puppy kibble. This week, we will wean the puppies off of mama completely. Usually, puppies will become a fussy during this process when we removed mama, but after a few days, they will accept eating their puppy kibble exclusively.

Puppies continue to show lots of playful behavior and they enjoy playing with their toys. Personalities are blooming and we will continue to observe them closely to learn of any distinct differences between the females. 

On Monday, the litter will have their six week check-up at the vet and receive their first set of vaccines. Once we receive a health report for each puppy, we can begin our selection process. To start, Angel and I will get a final set of individual puppy photos later this week. Once I have all the photos posted online, I will send out an email to each customer and we will begin the selection process. It is important that everyone selects in a timely manner since we can only move one customer at a time, starting from the first pick customer, and working our way down to the final puppy.

After everyone has selected their puppies, we will start our paperwork. I will send out emails requesting ownership information and puppy names. Remember, this is our “B” litter, so each puppy’s name has to start with a “B”. This is only for registration purposes. You can choose any name as your family call name of course. Once I receive this information back, I will begin typing up each puppy’s purchase contract. Once your contract is signed and returned, I will make copies for your record along with copies of all health reports. Remember, this is an import litter, so it can take 6-8 months to transfer all European registries to AKC, have DNA processed, and register each individual puppy. However, documents are consistently received by the 6 month mark. Finally, I will send over lots of information on general care, feeding instructions, health info, and general tips and advice on introducing your puppy to their new home. I will also send over a recommended shopping list with items we use here at DKV Rottweilers.

If you have not made travel arrangements yet, this is the time to email me. We offer four methods including: Group pick-up with me and Angel, delivery to ATL airport, front-door car delivery, or in-cabin flight to your local airport. We do not send our puppies in cargo. If you wish to have a puppy flight, a DKV member will fly round-trip to your local airport, with your puppy on their lap. All DKV puppies are delivered by DKV members only. I have already booked all flights that I am aware of. If there are any more delivery requests, please let me know asap, so we can schedule them accordingly. 

Congratulations everyone. We are very excited to get the ball rolling. Please continue to monitor your email later this week for updates. Just think, by next week, you will know which precious puppy you are bringing home. Have a blessed evening.

Week 7 Update

Hello DKV family! We made it to week seven. That means, it is finalIy time to select your puppy. I already sent out an email to everyone explaining as much detail as I could about each individual puppy. Tomorrow, we will begin the official picking. Angel will be available to give recommendations and answer any questions you may have.

This week, we did our puppy updates slightly different. Instead of still photos, we took videos of each puppy so you can view each puppy with more detail. I hope you enjoy the videos and we will touch base tomorrow! Have a blessed evening everyone.